Since I arrived, I have actually had very little trouble finding food, even affordable food (except when I travel to Kobe and Sannomiya which are expensive). I have tried very little food on the higher-priced side, but, if the cheaper food is any indication, it must be very, very good. I have had a few treats from sample-booths in grocery stores, and I've been taken to dinner by my Japanese teachers, so I've had some slightly nicer food, which has been universally excellent (except for Japanese attempts at British food, such as tea-related stuff...well, okay, so it is just like the British tea-snacks, but that doesn't make it tasty).
Here's a list of the new things I've tried that I can remember. I know the japanese names of very, very few. If I can't tell you, it is because I don't remember, or it's in kanji (chinese characters). There will be some mispronunciations, I'm sure, but it is close enough that people understand me, so they are working pronunciations in parenthesis.
Food/Review/Japanese Name Curry-bun!/Delicious!/Kaare pan (kah-ray-pahn)
Hot curry bun/Great!/Katsu Kaare pan (Kah-Tsu Kah-re)
Japanese curry/!/Kaare(Kah-ray)
Curry-chicken/(seeing a pattern? It's because it's good!)
"Western Style" Curry Chips/AWFUL (okay, not always so good...)
cheese puff wedges/addictive, strange
"Mild Salt" Pringles/very salty Pringles/Mild Salt Puringarusu(Ma-i-ru-do saa-ru-to poo-reen-gah-roo-soo)
sweet, wrapped rice/Wonderful with Mitsuya Cider!/inari zushi (ee-nah-ri zoo-she)(sushi)
fried octopus balls/Bouncy, eat warm only!/takoyaki (taco-ya-key)
lemon-orange juice/Why don't we have this?!/remon with orenji (re-moan wis oh-rain-gee)
Japanese McDonalds/Bleh. Too expensive! And some burgers have shrimp??/makudonaladuzo (Ma-koo-do-nah-la-doo-zo/ Makudo)
custard bun/A new Japanese classic/kasutaado pan (Kah-sue-taah-doh pahn)
bacon-cheese roll, branches/Excellent, but sometimes too dry, the branches that look like they are from trees are cute/bekon chiizu pan (bay-cone chee-zoo pahn)
cream cheese in cheesebread/No, really, I'm not kidding!
not Cheesecake! Still heavenly./chiizukeeki (chee-zoo-kay-key)
Awesome.konyaku bun/The stuff Tsune brought the family, inside bread.
Japanese miso soup/I don't like it, hmm./Miso (mi-so)
Strawberry, Cream Collon/Keep laughing, I know you're just jealous./ichigo, kureemu corron (ee-chi-go, koo-ree-ee-mu kohl-lone)
fried cheese chips/'m still in a state of surprise)
mayonaise bun/Well, it's executed very well...but it's still just mayo and bread, basically/meyonesu pan (meh-yo-nay-su pahn)
sushi/various, from terrible to pretty good/sushi (sue-she)
Korean-food-from-my-roomate/great/Konriori kara Konjin (cone-ree-oh-ri kah-rah cone-jean)(meaning Korean food from a (real) Korean)
Rice grown in Japan/maybe a *little* better?/gohan (go-han (han like in Han Solo))
Oolong Noodles/Tasty noodles that people seemed surprised that "I can eat" as if I were a magical American to be able to tolerate simple and delicious noodles/oolon (oo-ron)
Hotdog-roll/a pretty pathetic attempt on a hot dog, but popular nonetheless/hooto doogu (hooh-toh dooh-goo)
horse meat/
just kidding! But it's a delicacy here amongst older folks. Not for me, thanks!
beef and potatoes (fried into one breaded piece)/pretty tasty, convenient
fried pumpin/I got sick...never again.
raisin bread/I don't like raisins...but these were not too bad.
Japanese style pizza/thin, with a ball of creamed-corn-stuff on every slice...well, without the cream it is actually tasty, but it's way to expensive for me to buy for myself./piiza (pee-zah)
Sugar-bread/sugar and butter melted on french bread is okay, but not all that special
Crutonny-things/They take old bread of different kinds from previous days, safely dry it out into cruton-like pieces, and coat it in sugars and sweet things! Well, it's tasty recycling, I suppose. Every single bakery, regardless of variety or style, seems to do it with some of their leftovers.
Mitsuya Cider/
not cider. Basically a slightly sour/weird soda. Mitsuya saida (mi-tsu-yah sah-ee-dah)
Kirin Lemon/A decent lemon soda/Kirin Remon (Key-reen ray-moan)
C.C. Lemon/A sugary, "high-C" version of Kirin's product/Shi Shi ray-moan)
"Top Value" Soda/a weak, affordable, Safeway-Select equivalent lemon-lime soda, mix 1 part with 2 parts Lemon with Orange for an awesome drink!/Top Value Cider (Toohp-poo vah-ryu sah-ee-dah)
Japanese green tea/too much caffiene and a too-bitter flavour
Japanese angelfood cake-loaf/a masterpiece of angelfood, in the shape of a long loaf
That's probably about half of what I've tried. Some I had no idea what it was besides what it was not, and a number I have forgotten due to the number. It's about one new item per day, for now, but that will round off.
There are other things here too which I have eaten in America plenty of times. A few:
fried chicken
American-style pizza
french fries
any western-european-style bread
And some types I have't tried at all:
Korean food
Chinese food
I can't afford Outback Steakhouse, but there is at least one in either or both Kobe and Osaka for visitors. Plus, if I can eat here...I'm sure almost any of your could eat here just fine.
Adam out.