For Gamers (others will not be very interested)
A few things you may or may not recognize:
First, Eva, the videogame. I thought WOW how does that work? Then I looked at the price (pictured below).
Oh, because it is $90. Okay. Nevermind!
A sample of some plastic-wraped handheld games.
Monster Rancher ("Farmer" in Engrish) 5
Kirby games for Gameboy, Gamebody, and Gameboy color. If it still sells...why not sell it?
I purchased Ogre Battle 64 for $4.50 and Chrono Trigger for $2.50, in original Japanese cartridge formats. Note that this is much less than the at least $100 it would cost me to get both of them in the US. I also got Front Mission 5, which may or may not eventually come to the US. It has perhaps the hardest Kanji-level of any game I have evert seen. If there is a Kanji for a word--they use it. So it is about 1/2 and 1/2 or more. So, I'm basically going by the pictures and memory for how to play it! Wish me luck!
*inane drooling noises* So pretty.... *dies of massive orgasm*
I think I agree with him...
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