Friday, August 11, 2006

Some girls are nice enough to get themselves killed

Well, I found out that one of my friends, a girl from Hong Kong, "Lili"(she is the roomate of Trang, my Vietnamese friend) has been riding her bicycle with breaks that "only work when she is going slow." I asked her why she hadn't asked anyone for help, and broken down through part English and part Japanese, is that she didn't want to trouble anyone to come fix it. Even though she rides it almost entirely on hills...and her brakes don't work much of the time. in a crowed city with almost no footpaths that aren't for cars also...across many blind corners. So, instead of having a dead polite friend, I decide to tell her I'd fix the brakes today. If it is anything typical, as I think it is, I can fix it. I think she just has the brakepads off center. They can slip off at high speeds. If this is the case it does match the "symptoms."

I managed to get a reasonable picture of the second hill I walked past (behind more or less) from yesterday, as well as a picture of the watertower. The picture is from perhaps 2-4 kilometers away, zoomed-in, of course. This hill is the most likely candidate for the name of "Midori ga Oka" (The Green Hill) in my mind at this moment.

One final announcement: it is now possible for you to place comments on my blog in order to get back to me on your thoughts about my life or blog, reactions to my writing, audacity of my statements...anything in connection to the blog. Just click on "Comments at the bottom of a blog to place comments on that blog. I don't believe there is a way to place general comments, so, if you have comments about muliple blogs, then either leave them on one and state it is for more than one, or split your thoughts onto two or more, or whatever you wish. I can and will try to reply to you on these as well. If you don't want your comments to be seen by other viewers, for whatever reason, you can just email me like many of you do. And a big "Thank You" goes out to Brian Hall for being the first victim on Wheel of Comments.

Whoops, one more announcement! I have links to my home website for those of you intersted in Attending or visiting KUINS/KUIS/whatever you want to call it. Or for those who are interested. You can find a number of basics about the area listed on the site. The lower-right hand corner of the page goes to my groups' area, and the International Excange Center are my pals too. This link is in the corner to your right on this very page--look!!--the upper right! It says KUINS! Marvelous! And above it is TheBlogof Nate! Even better! The Blog of Nathan Fitz! There, you can find info about adventures to many other countries than Adam's, and stories about fish that scare women. That's right. It has EVERYTHING. And everything I know about Blogging I might have learned some from him. It's very good. Trust me. And alot less wordy than my blog.


At 6:00 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dad is very worried about you wandering around in the woods. LOL

At 12:37 PM GMT+9, Blogger Adam said...

Don't worry. The huge spiders aren't poisonous! lol Plus, I can find north with little or no difficulty, Especially during the day, even with only minimal visible light filtering through the trees at times. I'm not bringing my bike out there again though!

At 7:10 AM GMT+9, Blogger Nate said...

Hey dude. I'm having a heck of a time trying to get your blog linked. I don't speak HTML very well.

Keep climbing things. It's good for your health.

Take it easy man. School starts a week from Monday (shudder).

At 8:41 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Adam am having a great time reading your blog. What an awesome experience. Take care love u your 2nd mom

At 5:06 PM GMT+9, Blogger Adam said...

Thanks Mom! I hope everythings well on the Western Front!


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