Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Link to overhead view of Midori ga Oka

CORRECTION ON LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE: My house is at 34'46'30.28 N 135'01'48.01 E, the University is in the area of 34'46'20 N 135'02'36. This would be better for using Google Earth, a different but similar program that can do alot more, but incorporates a downloaded program. It seems I had had a gross over-estimation of the degrees N, so I appologize to any of you that were using that as a location mechanism.

A warning: this post is only for maps of my area of Japan.


This link should, theoretically, take you to an a overhead view of where I live.

Pictured on the right, slightly bellow center, is my campus, Kansai Kyokusai Daigaku (Kansai University of International Studies). It is a big block on the edge of forest, with a light-coloured sakka (soccer) field.

Pictured in the lower left, the yellowed patch of sand in the shape of a baseball field is (you guessed it) a baseball field that was uses for the Bonburi dance I went to and fireworks.

Pictured, sadly, in the fuzzy area, in fact on the exact edge of the fuzzy area, is my house. It is directly east (right) of the zoom-cursor on the left side of the screen. We have a small patch of grass and sand across the street that can be barely seen, with a black car parked there, if you care to zoom in. (so close!)

The nearby grocers are seen on the regular "map" (street map) by pressing the "Map" button on the picture, Co-op (Coohpu or Cooh) and Toto (pronounced like it looks). Feel free to switch between Satellite and Map, but Hybrid only works for roman character-maps. Which Japan is most certainly not. So you have to contrast them to see. Just so you know, the general shape of the place is uphill to the east. This is the "Oka" (hill) of Midori ga Oka The hill itself is now cement grey, but, everything around the hill and the edges of the other green hills are most certainly entirely green-looking, as you can see. Just so you know, if they manage to update the view here, the fields will be greener, partially because we have astroturf around more commonly now, including on the field at school.


At 3:38 PM GMT+9, Blogger Adam said...

Well, it is good all in all. Except I just took an ice-cold-as-I-can-get-it-shower, and I am already sweating like a pig now that I am out. It's just not right!
But the air is good when you go flying off that jump with a 180 frontside. I think. Big? Big air, yeah, but I dunno, otherwise there are only big butterflies around here. Monsters, they are.


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